Friday, March 16, 2018

Go To The Great Mosque Istiqlal

Tour To Mosque Istiqlal

Istiqlal Mosque was built as a manifestation of the gratitude of the Indonesian nation because it has been free from 350 years of colonialism. The mosque pride of Indonesia is famous in foreign countries and included in the tourist guide book, as one of the places to visit when visiting Jakarta. In 1953 some scholars sparked the idea of ​​establishing a magnificent mosque that would be the pride of the citizens of Jakarta as the capital and also the people of Indonesia as a whole. They are KH. Wahid Hasyim, the first Minister of Religious Affairs, who raised the idea of ​​building the mosque together with H. Agus Salim, Anwar Tjokroaminoto and Ir. Sofwan and about 200 people of Islamic leaders led by KH. Taufiqorrahman. The idea was then manifested by forming the Istiqlal Mosque Foundation. On December 7, 1954 established the Istiqlal Mosque Foundation headed by H. Tjokroaminoto to realize the idea of ​​building a national mosque. Deca Park Building in Merdeka Square (now Jalan Medan Merdeka Utara in Taman Nasional Museum), became a silent witness to the establishment of Istiqlal Mosque Foundation. The name Istiqlal is taken from Arabic which means Merdeka as a symbol of the gratitude of the Indonesian people for the independence given by Allah SAW. The first President of the Republic of Indonesia Soekarno welcomed the idea and supported the foundation of the Istiqlal mosque and then formed the Istiqlal Mosque Construction Committee (PPMI).
The Istiqlal Mosque is in modern Islamic style, visible from the round, square and round shape of the cube. There are 7 doors representing 7 layers of sky and 7 days a week to enter the Istiqlal Mosque, each named Asmaul-Husna, the names of God, namely Al Fattah (Opener), Al Quddus (Sainthood), As Salam (Peace) Al Ghaffar (Ampunan), Ar Rozzaq (Rezeki) and Ar Rahman (Compassionate) and Al Malik (King). The door of Al Malik is the entrance that is used by the President and Vice President because it goes straight to the shaf, the forefront of prayer time. Until now, Istiqlal Mosque is still the largest mosque in Southeast Asia, and can accommodate 200 jama'ah at the same time. As for the state mosque, that's where the Muslims celebrate Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha and Prophet Muhammad SAW.
The mosque is often visited by heads of state from various countries such as, one of them is United States President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle Obama. As a religious tourism object, the Istiqlal facility is continuously improved. "The plan will be made some improvements so that the pride of this nation becomes more beautiful," said Drs. H. Subandi, MSi., Secretary of the Istiqlal Mosque Management Executive Board. Initially, in the parking area has been made about 20 Information Board that contains information about Istiqlal. Written in two languages. Indonesia and the UK, this Information Board really helps visitors to get to know Istiqlal further.

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